My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Sunday, April 23

American Yarnprose>Underground Lovemaking Apartments

Underground Lovemaking Apartments

Inside, I am led into a secret world of shyness and masturbation by young adult suburbanite with her partially broken-in blue designer jeans.

Slowly and frustratingly, she says, “Come. I have something I want to give you.”

She plants a kiss on my warm, granite-like cheeks. She wants me to touch her in ways that she’s never gone before. But frustratingly, appealingly in her efforts, she teeters in her fingering motions, gently sloping her left index finger down my throat, past my chest until she lays it directly on my pacific pipeline. From there, she opened up the rest of her hand and makes touchy-feely groping motions.

I wait, more impatiently because I feel the impending growth in between my thighs and the ever-present strange wafting wetness between her legs, which at the present moment was getting crazier and crazier. She lifts her clothing in upward fashion, exposing the most cafĂ©-au-lait thighs I’d seen in many, many moons.

She rushes against me, throwing her right thin-boned arm against my neck, kissing me wildly, stringy brown hair caressing her now, naked waist side, while she works me over with her left hand, fast and furious.

She knows what she’s doing, I think to myself, no question about it.

And then it happened.

The slide whistle into the tiny mouth, with a sort of thick thump-rump-bump. She wanted love. Fast love. Good love. Cheap love. Sick love. Orgasmic love. Slow love. Hard love.

Within seconds it one mumbled lyric she eerily and crazily sang,

“Howrepulsivethelovejuiceinthelovenightspatteredwiththudlikeslowsquealingnoisefrom espressocoffeebarmachine.”

And with that, the ocean waved, fishes swam with other fishes along the current. Skyrockets popped and screamed overhead as she pushed atop me, yowling and writhing like worm on wire hook within moments of indigestion by fish. She loved (fucked) me hard and I loved (fucked) her hard back, pushing in and out, like plunger on injection needle.

At last, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

She was flooded with sex.

Sexuality from me and then she heaved forward, lunging her sweetness forcefully on my pole, releasing a river of gratitude, both in sweat and sex.

How beautiful it all was.