My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Thursday, June 9

Amercan Yarnprose

The Woodsman & The Sturdy Black Oak AKA Nine Muses Of Error In Underconstructualism

In the great erosion came the great error. The great erection of frumality filled with greed, wealth & critischism. It wasn’t the first time the woodsman had attempted to take a whack at the old sturdy black oak. He expressed great exuberance in his work & it showed, as he whistled the ninth chorus of the Clever Clogs Waltz in E Minor.

The exogamy had passed him, slowly, but painfully. He knew the consequences of the path he had chosen, but decided to press onward, knowing full well that the experience he had gained or lost would serve him handily in the new exploration he was about to embark upon.

The hour was fast approaching. The woodsman took a might swing…BANG! Expansion had arrived. New ideas followed swiftly like an overflowing vat of gin. Harmonious joy spread like morning dew on the leaves, as all of the creatures from the forest poked their heads out to see what all the great commotion was about.

The sturdy black oak that once stood before him now etched a new path toward extinction. The exocardia that once befuddled him now befriended him like a long lost relative. At last, the woodsman could chop easily once more.


Old Black Crow And Yonegi AKA My Wife Is The Universe Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!

Old Black Crow had seen enough everywhere he flew; destruction, depression & damnation. Cities large & small, contributing unknowingly to the downfall that was already in place.

Years ago, when no one cared about preservation in the land of plenty, Yonegi appeared on a bright & clear sunny day & forever changed the landscape that we live upon. Raping & pillaging natural resources was nothing new to Yonegi. He had been doing it for most of his life.

Yonegi’s idealism was simple; it’s there, so use it, if you don’t then it will simply go to waste.

Once Yonegi began to reproduce, there was no stopping him. Yonegi & Old Black Crow never did see eye to eye, as once Yonegi tried to murder Old Black Crow by draining the river where Old Black Crow drank from & by poisoning the crops that Old Black Crow ate from, crops, which Yonegi believed belonged to him & the rest of the nation.

It led to fights & meaningless squabbles over rights & properties & created instability, hatred & frustration, which lead to wars, diseases and ultimately death, which made Yonegi very very proud.

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