My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Monday, June 13

The Guilt Trip Began In Eden And Disappeared In Los Angeles

I am justice,
A little one-sided,
Ashamed to be part of the system
from Nobody’s Heart (For Julie Harris) by Rod McKuen

Hatred & sorrowfulness has a way of creeping up inside the belly of your deepest valleys and darkest closets of your imagination, so much so, that when push comes to shove, denial of your past life actions seems safer to part with, rather than owning up to the truth and dismissing your curiosities of old as being naïve, foolish and stupid.

For businessmen who have nothing to lose, except their own livelihoods, apologies are always in order. And whether they have been a racist, a Nazi, a child molester or some of form of anti-human factor, we easily forgive them and say, “oh yes, but of course,” bowing down to their “politically-correct sorrows,” when I know damn well, that all they want is your business, support or vote.

If they were so damn sorry, why did they get involved to begin with? It’s all a game, a ploy, a trick, a human mousetrap of the “feel sorry for me; buy my products please,” syntax.

Sorry means nothing anymore. It’s an over-used word or phrase. We say sorry way too much these days, from Congressmen to lawyers to pop stars, right down to the ordinary average Joes like you & me. “I’m so sorry such-and-such action happened. I promise it will never occur again, flap the guiltless men’s & women’s jaws, tongues & teeth. The promise twinkles in their pupils whilst they dab a handkerchief or Kleenex to their moist eyes.

How can one apologize for events that occurred 50 or 150 years ago? What are the descendants expecting, restitution? Stuff happens for a reason & we learn from our mistakes, simple as that.

It’s almost as idiotic as raising the dead & scraping DNA samples from what’s left of their remains just so the authorities can find new evidence & hang the guilt on someone new. Saying sorry is almost a crime these days, you know? Everybody says those magic words therefore, it must be right when someone in public eye says; “It’s the right thing to do.”

Now, believe it or not, I’ve seen it over and over again, from businessmen to politicians to self-appointed holy rollers. And we just eat it up. If they are worthy then they will prove so by doing their job with the greatest of ease.

If on the other hand though they fail miserably, then yes of course, they deserve to hang in the gallows of public scrutiny and disdain. They are what we create.

And we create and destroy so very simply. Wishy-washy attitude is a thing of the past! Crime does not pay! The weed of crime bears bitter fruit! Do the crime? Pay it back! With life humility, it’s the least of their worries, comparatively so, when you think about it.

It’s all the damage they have to repair for a lifetime that is their monkey.

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