My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Monday, June 20

Words From The Mishegas Master: Frankly Speaking>Act 1 (For Mykel Board)

Alright, dear readers I’ll admit it; I’m different. Herein lies the difference, however; I’ve known this about myself for many, many, many years already. And it seems to me that others who seem to know me, really don’t know me at all & are shocked to find this sort of thing out, which makes me ask the following question; where in God’s name have all of them been for all of this time, in another galaxy?

It’s been kind of obvious…well, at least apparently that women seem to notice this about me far faster than men do and are more open and willing to acknowledge it. What gives anyway? Why is it that women notice faster than men? Well, going on this theory & it’s only an assumption, most women I’ve dated in the past (with the exception of Isabel, Jenny & Maggie) always have found something wrong with me, but not in the wrong sense of the word.

I think they all meant to imply “normal,” but what is normal supposed to mean anyway? Does it mean to fit one’s self into a narrow straightjacket category as prescribed by someone doing the judging, influenced by their elders (parents & family) and peers (friends)?

That’s the trouble with people in general they rely too heavily on what someone else says. With another person’s influence, the game changes dramatically. This is especially true when it comes to typing to strangers on the Internet. People on the Internet, particularly in chat-rooms, almost always feel they know something about everyone else in that same chat-room, just by typing to them.

Oh! But there is such a difference between typing to people online, on the telephone, even if you have exchanged photographs, as opposed to talking one-on-one to an individual in person.

One person who stood out from a chat-room crowd that I used to stop into frequently & usually gave me verbal black-eyes on a daily basis was none other than Rudi Russky from Columbus Ohio. Rudi meant well I’m sure (NOT), but there were many, many, many times when we knocked heads, primarily when she insisted she was trying to tell me what I was doing wrong or seemed oddball-like in nature, when I knew what felt right to me.

Rudi tried her hardest to get me to see situations her way and frankly, it was always her way or no way! Furthermore, her way of thinking was always correct she told me, while my way of thinking was always abnormal.

Well, I think you might have guessed it by now, but you might as well really understand why I’m in the current groove I’m in now & loving every moment of it. I’m an oddball, but so what? My natural oddness makes me stand out from the crowd and anyway who wants to be one of several thousand sheep in a herd with no direction, when you can be a masked man with a beautiful companion by your side, exploring the still and yet undiscovered prairie?

(by the way for an interesting & hilarious written perspective on me, go out to your favorite local music store, Borders or little independent shops & pick up the current issue #266 of Maximum Rock-n-Roll & read Mykel Board’s column, “Mykel Board Sez You’re Wrong”--I go by the name of “Sid” in this column. Also check out Mykel’s website: & be sure to tell him the Mishegas Master sent you!)

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