My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Tuesday, June 28

Dating Women: The Sad Beauty Upon The Insatiable Internet Beast>Act 1

In general, dating members of the opposite sex (females) has always been a challenge, as well as a rewarding career move for me…in all honesty, however, it’s never been that easy, which is why for the perhaps the longest time, I would choose between dating someone in person, as opposed to the standard online relationship. The latter of the two won.

It’s really the easy way out when you come right down to it, but also there is something to be said about talking to a woman from another country, which perhaps is masking themselves, online, as opposed to a real, live woman.

An online relationship is safe in many ways, for example; you can a woman what you like without ever having to see them in person & vice-versa; have either cyber or phone sex with them without getting diseases; you can even send them old “good-looking” photos of yourself (and vice-versa) until you meet, if ever.

Of the several Internet relationships I carried on, a few I did make phone contact with & even talked at length with. Ironically, most of the women I met online, I met in chat-rooms and out of those several women I met in chat-rooms, there were at least three I met & dated.

Coincidentally, those same three I met & dated for however long I did, all came out of the same Jewish chat-room I used to frequent in the old days (1999-2001). Now in general, just because I am Jewish doesn’t necessarily mean I would ever consider dating “my own kind,” primarily because Jewish women have always caused me problems in the past & to be totally honest, these three in my mind weren’t any different, at least at first glance. Things are a bit better these days & I've reversed that decision.

First there was Miriam. Miriam was an Evangelical Christian who was converting to the Orthodox branch of Judaism & liked to umm, experiment with sexual desire & passion! That was fun while it lasted. After that, she got more serious & believed anything anyone would tell her. She became robotic, hardened & cold like a newly-born criminal.

Next came Wendella. What a mess she turned out to be! She was always, sadly predictable. Perhaps she was the victim of a bad marriage & a guy who she indicated to him many times over that she wasn’t interested in him any further than friendship, but took full advantage of him when need be. Of the brief time we dated, she would consistently change her mind & bail out of a date or insist that her son must come everywhere we went.

Inside the chat-room where we met, she behaved one way, like a strong likeable character, relying heavily on strangers to cover for her by telling lies, but on the outside, she turned to be a very shy person, who in the end turned out to be a true basket-case (nut).

Then of course there was Isis. The strangest, yet most fantastic of them all! We sort of carried on like old friends/lovers before we actually met. It would probably be safe to say that I lost my job due to her, but only in a small percentage way, as I was totally engulfed & mesmerized by her. She was always afraid that I wasn’t going to like her & that she was too much for me…she was!

When I flew over to London to meet her; she paid for half of the ticket, I even proposed to her in downtown London…and that’s when the bottom dropped out from under me. Not only did I find out she was married, but had two young boys & never even had any intent of getting divorced! She claimed many times she was in the process of doing so.

That was about five years ago & she’s still married to the same man. Even after our falling out, we have remained friends at a distance.

So, in writing this, I guess the best conclusion I can draw is that the Internet, like humans are unpredictable. Yet on the Internet, one can hide their identity behind a screen, make up a brand-new personality and even send out photos of someone that don’t even resemble the person in question. That’s the sad beauty upon and inside the insatiable Internet beast.

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