My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Tuesday, June 7

Pep Talk From The Mishegas Master

I am reminded nearly a week ago, of a scene in the Disney film Bambi when the young male deer (Bambi) loses his mother after being shot to death by MAN, the greatest of all dangers to the animals in the forest, as I lost my good friend Bard, who has guided me over the past 12 months to better & more positive outlets.

Bard would say to me that I did all of the work on my own, but because of him, I pulled myself out of debt, out of circles filled with hate, death & destruction, sometimes still those remnants I can feel & still forced to embrace just so I can understand what is happening & what it feels like.

These past 12 months have been a major upheaval for me. I saw myself go from being a suppressed poet/writer to freeing myself on many levels, as well as making significant changes in directions, career outlooks & lifestyle.

One year ago, I was living in a hellhole apartment that flooded every two weeks, with a landlady who was as mishegas as mishegas gets. I was slinging along with a vocals/piano teacher who was desperately trying to undermine me, complete with outrageous fabricated stories & later, back-stabbing techniques, thinking to get rid of me as a student because I was TOO MUCH for her, but most of all, I freed myself as a performer from beneath the clutches of a control freak who couldn’t put the kibosh on my rising spirit.

There are folks in this world who would like nothing more than to destroy other people’s spirits, for whatever reason, perhaps something they cannot have themselves, so in order to bring someone down who is enjoying their happiness, do their greatest harm in trying to restrain, murder, rape or smash any possibility of someone else achieving it.

I call that either ignorance or jealousy. How ignorant can someone be if their idealism doesn’t mesh with others, others they consider either as friends or student & try their hardest to smash their positiveness? Ignorance immediately becomes jealousy & boy do they know it!

If someone achieves a new level of happiness, why put a damper on it? Why not celebrate in their joy & happiness? Surely whatever losses that dot their lives will be overcome, if not immediately, then perhaps in the distant future.

Thankfully, I leave behind three of these naysayer-types who tried to destroy me. I guess what I am trying to say is, if you have troubles reaching your goals, find someone to help guide you toward the right direction that is most positive for you like I did. Don’t listen to people who try their hardest to drag you away or drain you down to nothingness. Stick to your guns, live up to your goals and don’t let them slip away. Above all, keep on smiling!

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