My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Thursday, June 2

The Executioner’s Face Is Always Well-Hidden: An Occupational Hazard>Act 6

On the bottom floor or level of Devil’s Island where many don’t venture to, other than perhaps to eat in the prison meal-room, ironically and perhaps a little too coincidental, many of the foreign & minority prisoners are housed, where regular rodent & pest infestations occur almost weekly. It’s the poorer section of the prison system. Having been locked down there in solitary confinement myself two years ago by Groggleman, I can say for certain that it’s not a place I would ever choose to be.

This choice seemingly fits upper prison brass motto in which some groups of people are better hidden than heard. Kind of prejudice if you ask me, but this is their prison, not mine.

Although pointed out many times previously by international organizations allowed viewing of prison conditions, top prison brass refuses to change or readjust prison conditions. In any event, top prison brass's biggest gripe against these organizations suggestions, is that it would take too much money to refurbish or build new prison wings. Besides, their money is invested in their stately homes, vehicles and other real estate property.

To ease overcrowding lately, they have begun to execute innocent prisoners wrongly accused of crimes they didn’t commit. Most recently we as a community mourned the loss of Sarah Hurrah, always a happy-go-lucky type, always smiling, always cheerful. Her crime against humanity, you ask? Absolutely nothing, other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She behaved like a model citizen, yet fell through the cracks and no one bothered to check records until it was too late. Rumor has it that the next two prisoners likely to be executed are Roger Dogma & The Minister Of Sinister.

But of all the prisoners housed in the lower level, the two most flighty are none other than El Noir & Knee-Jerk-Jack. Although El Noir a great criminal in his own right with a rap sheet as long as the Mississippi River, his sole purpose for breaking into Devil’s Island was to rescue & aid his faithful friend & companion, Knee-Jerk Jack.

Knee-Jerk-Jack, leader of the notorious Bloody Vulture Gang was brought to Devil’s Island a little over three and a half years ago, after being convicted for attempted murder & aggravated kidnapping. Not only would any other prison facility hold him, but he truly is the only known “real” law-breaking prisoner of Devil’s Island.

Due to an bizarre accident years ago while El Noir was robbing a television repair shop, when running out the door, he tripped & fell, sending him headfirst into a runny oily residue on the shop floor, that was soaked into his skin like a sponge he acquired strange, yet magical powers that enabled him to move quickly in and out of rooms, faster than any man or woman on the face of Earth, unlock any security system without a key or code & the grand master power of being able to mentally camouflage himself amongst the prisoners, guards, captains & other prisoner personnel.

El Noir, who is as bright as they come, always had difficulties with Old Black Devil herself, who also had an uncanny ability to sense the presence of El Noir & instructed by all in command to harass him at any cost possible at any time. And so it came to past that that anywhere El Noir traveled within the prison system & the prison sensors were set off by his presence, he was taunted, teased, berated, intimidated & threatened wherever personnel felt he was.

Such is the way of life on Devil’s Island. El Noir to this day, remains in hiding for fear of being executed and rumor has it, that he is devising a way to get past the sensors, while Knee-Jerk-Jack impatiently waits to be sprung.

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