My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Wednesday, June 15

The Execution Of Va-Va-Voom: An Occupational Hazard>Act 8

Late this morning, most of the prisoners, including myself, on Devil’s Island learned the tragic fate of the unexpected execution of Va-Va-Voom. There are a lot of sad faces around here for certain, as Va-Va-Voom was one of the most beloved prisoners here at Devil’s Island.

In a previous Devil’s Island I spoke of how myself & Va-Va-Voom met. In today’s act, I will speak of reaction here on Devil’s Island, for the most part. There was no movement from within in his cell, until this morning when the fat & evil Groggleman came into his space and removed all of Va-Va-Voom’s personal belongings and boxed them up, presumably to be sent to his next of kin.

By all accounts, Va-Va-Voom who was up for parole with less than two weeks to go, was apparently denied once again by Groggleman & instead slated him for lethal injection, which came to Va-Va-Voom fast, swiftly & peaceful at approximately 10:32 am central daylight savings time.

Many of the prisoners here on Devil’s Island are shocked & horrified to learn the news of his execution. Johnny Vegas was quoted as saying, “Say it isn’t so.” Josie Peppermint, when cornered by myself & Johnny Vegas asking her about Va-Va-Voom’s absence, refused to divulge further information to us, until she was 100 percent certain Va-Va-Voom was executed.

Congenial Collette, usually a pretty happy woman all-around, was saddened by the news of his execution & was seen sobbing uncontrollably in her prisoner cell. Even Loud-Mouthed Lucy has gone silent from all of the shock of the news of his demise, a true rarity indeed.

It is a well-known fact here on Devil’s Island that Groggleman never did like Va-Va-Voom all that much anyway. You see, Groggleman took many opportunities to humiliate & belittle him in front of much of the prison population, just as he has done with myself, many times.

During a morning prison yard smoke break, Carrot-Top Cutie informed me that there will be more executions coming throughout the lower level of the prison system, sooner rather than later.

Even Knee-Jerk Jack was surprised upon hearing the news of Va-Va-Voom’s execution, asking him if I knew anything, but I told him I really didn’t, but in reality knew more than I cared to reveal to him.

I know most of the prisoners here on Devil’s Island feel that this world will be a lonelier place without Va-Va-Voom without his great abundance & joy here on Devil's Island, but do know he is in a better place now.

So I offer up this simple remembrance for Va-Va-Voom: We should remind ourselves that we are only here once in this world & to always keep our thoughts happy regarding Va-Va-Voom, for they will travel to him wherever his soul does ultimately peacefully rest.

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