My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Sunday, December 11

Jesus Christ-A Modern Day Analytical Study

Thinking about Christmas with all its amenities and consumerism that it attracts, there’s never been a fair or accurate depiction, at least as far as I know about Jesus Christ, other than the usual purist descriptions of THE MAN.

If I were to speak to some of my more religious or born-again Christian friends about Jesus Christ and describe him in a bad light, I’d be castigated and criticized for making simple observations on a man who became an unwilling catalyst for a religious movement that has suffered recent setbacks within the last few decades, due to Marxist idealists who see Jesus Christ as their spokes-model to sell their radical views to whomever they can.

For most of you who don’t realize, Jesus becomes Republican during Easter, Christmas or during an election year, otherwise he always remains Democrat or independent.

It seems this depiction of Jesus Christ strikes me as a bit odd, considering the man was first Jewish and then reborn Christian, kind of strange if you ask me, it’s almost as if he were adopted by a wandering band of people who had no one else to hang out with or worship.

Those that adopted him were Christians, but not like the Christians of today who live supposedly moral lives and make every attempt to apply their morals on those who aren’t Christian like them. And if they don’t act Christian, well they will most likely burn in hell and will have to be prayed for constantly.

But it’s not just born-again Christians that worship him, oh no! There are also religious sects like Jews For Jesus and Messianic Jews who worship Jesus Christ as if he was the true Messiah. Strange as that sounds or appears, Jews by Christian standards don’t believe in the Messiah or Jesus Christ for that matter. So what gives, anyway? How is it that they can believe in Jesus Christ and not what “real Jews” believe in?

It’s interesting how Jesus Christ is depicted too, you know the typical blonde-haired blue eyed savior, not very Jewish at all, is it? He’s also been depicted as African-American and perhaps many other skin colors one can desire or dream of.

Looking at Jesus Christ's body composition, one always notes that he is body proportionate, just the right size to fit on two pieces of wood that just happen to resemble a cross. Of course it is said that a peace sign is a broken cross too, which would make Jesus Christ all the more Marxist!

And what about his long hair; well, I think that part of him is pretty outdated too, after all how many of us can say we really met Jesus Christ physically and not mentally and know what the man looks like? We can’t!

I am certain that Jesus Christ looks the way he looks was for design purposes only. His long hair acts as an aphrodisiac for women, who love a blond-haired blue-eyed long haired man for their sinful fantasies, while men look at him in a sort of manly, fatherly way. More than likely, Jesus Christ was a bald-domed man with a curly beard, like the way most religious Jewish men sport.

Then there are Jesus Christ's shoes, rather sandals.

According to all biblical and logical accounts, Jesus Christ was flat broke, meaning he probably never wore sandals, but in photos and illustrated pictures, that would sure look sweet to compliment his cool and trendy robes, that he probably also never wore, again considering Jesus Christ was always flat broke.

A confusing concern about Jesus Christ for some is the fact that people call him God, while others call him the Son of God, but I suppose it’s not as bad as using Jesus Christ's name in vain, such as Jesus F. Christ, but you get the picture, don’t you? So which is it? Is he God or the Son Of God?

Some followers can’t tell the difference.

Lastly, I wonder about the commandment that states, “Thou shall not worship false idols and yes, you guessed it how is that his followers then and now, worship a false idol like Jesus Christ when he was nothing more than a man with common sense who offered up everything for nothing and people took advantage of his common sense and called them miracles?

Yes, in my mind Jesus Christ was just a common ordinary Jewish man who had a different brain in his head and used it the best way he could; Jesus Christ was a real mensch, a real Marxist, a real commie-pinko that sought ways to use his common sense to help people who couldn’t figure situations out for themselves.

Having said that, I believe in this universe of ours, there are many Jesus Christ wanna-bees roaming the earth, performing little tasks while using common sense, no matter their religion, race or gender.

They ask for nothing in return except for a smile and a little happiness. It’s the people who are benefited by their kindness that blab about it to the press and media, thereby making a tiny helpful hand a front page story in a newspaper or the focus of a feature story on the evening news.

If Jesus Christ would have appeared on this earth in modern times (or at least within the last 20 years) would be disregarded as nothing more than a homeless man looking for a handout and would be eventually arrested for loitering on private property.

There is no such thing as a Good Samaritan anymore, is there?

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