My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Saturday, May 6

Fight! Fight! Fight! Some Boys And Their Bites!

There are very few things I don’t enjoy in the very thread of my own existence and one of those things is fighting with someone over ceaseless and pointless battles over silly stuff.

Debates are different. Discussions are different, but arguments? No! They can often be bloody, cruel, and heartless and often times people devote an awful lot of energy to a ball of nerves that cannot be resolved.

God only knows I had a lot of those kinds of violent fights with my brothers and sister when I was growing up and past my college years too In fact, if I think about it, there were just too many to count and attempting to understand them would take time, but that’s another blog for another time.

Even now, some of my more liberal friends love to fight with me. When I say liberal though, I don’t mean democratic or left-wing, I mean liberal! That is of course, meaning liberal as in generous with opinions or evidence for the sake of argument.

I’m not sure why Republicans, conservatives and right-wing swingers call Democrats liberals, when some of them can be extremely liberal with their own suitcases full of evidence and opinions!

It would be extremely generous of me to name names of who I barb and joust with on a daily and weekly basis, but I’m not going to do that, for that would please each and every one of them to have their name in my blog-space and thereby, they could send off links and printed copies to all their friends and relatives by the truckload and write brief notes to them that would say; “Hey! I was in the world-famous MishegasMaster’s blog,” but no that’s not gonna happen, not by a long-shot!

And what is it that makes these blood-thirsty vultures so bent on arguing points that will not be so terribly important in years to come?

Does it pay to take psychological swings at your friends and colleagues, knowing all the damage, scars and hurt it will bring? Does having a cock for a brain help? Is power uber alles more important than a good tight friendship that could possibly last for decades?

Only these Bozo-wanabes know for sure. But hell! Stomping out other people’s value systems, ideals, ethics and dreams sure is a lot more fun now, boys, isn’t it?

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