My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Wednesday, May 3

How To Get Rid Of Your Anger Through Scatting

There are days and there are nights when I come home from a long day either from driving away from chaos & disorder and the old Arthus Janov method of screaming doesn't always work, so I turn right to music and channel out my frustrations through throat-singing and through scat music. I suspect most people don't know how to throat-sing, let alone know how to scat. But lo and behold through the miracle of saving old files, I have a simple and dandy little scat chart you can follow. And always remember my dear readers, getting angry and holding it inside, only makes you grow greyer faster and gives you ulcers.

Happy Scatting!

Common Scat Syllables

Scat syllables should reflect the rhythmic articulation. In addition, for melodic sequences, it sounds more natural to use the vowel sounds ah and oo for the lower notes and ee for the higher notes. The closer to the right of the list, the shorter the note length.

Scat Words

Shwee Du Dah Bop
Skwee Ooh Sha Dop
Dwee Shu Wha Vop
Bee Bu Bah Bot
Vee Sku Yah Zot
Zee Vu Vah Dit
Wee Dow Dot
De Duh Yot Shot
Doot Dup Bup Dut
Doot-n Doodle-n Dot-n Dweedle-ee Du-ee-ah

You can start with these as a pattern and make up your own as you go along, in other words, you do not have to follow the patterns above, and you can always create you own spontaneous beat!