My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Tuesday, May 16

The MishegasMaster Tells It Like It Is, Late On Tuesday Evening!

There are some very sick and vicious people in this world that we germinate within; people who would stop at nothing to get what it is they are really after while destroying everything in their path in the process.

Some of them are to the point where they are blunt and will use hateful words just to bring others down. I’ve been dealing with a number of those factors lately and quite frankly, those people have been whacking away at me with a strange vengeance, as if I’ve been somehow fucking up their livelihood based on my own life’s happiness.

But of course they have it all wrong and are taking what I say out of context, as opposed to taking it for either face value or with a grain of salt-peter. Worst of all, they think I have a personal axe to grind with each and every one of them.

But you know what? They’re wrong; in fact they’ve always been wrong.

If these people who have been portraying themselves as brilliant minds and as intelligent as they claim to be, you know I have yet to see that brilliance.

For a brilliant mind will often follow a straight line of cause and effect without thinking and will shirk its responsibility off into a landmine field and spew forth their anger, hatred and most of all, show their jealousy toward my abilities to tell it like it is and not be afraid of what the future holds once it is out in the open for all the world to see.

Anyone who has ever read what I write in general knows I respond to those negatives and positive factors that fill up my soul like a flaming Molotov cocktail that will be thrown back through the window to the world by myself for positive effect.

The idea of turning a negative into a positive absolutely is deplored by some of these people and in essence, they are the ones with the real personal axes to grind and will stop at nothing to pick-axe their way into a happy soul until it’s splits in half and bleeds to death.

But you know something, folks? I’ve unplugged you because I know how unhealthy you’ve become over time itself. Unplugged, meaning you are no longer significant in my own life history.

There are demons everywhere I step. There are aliens in the shadows who are just that; demonic shadows who have nothing in life to look forward to other than their own putrid bitterness.

And I laugh at their weak stupidity.

Because they deserve everything that they get.

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