Seems to be an awful damn lot of quirkiness here on Devil’s Island lately, but not anymore than the usual hustle-bustle and behind-the-scenes shuffling of papers in neatly piled stacks; something fishy is going on here at Devil’s Island and that amounts to a cover-up!
What is the utmost cover-up prison officials could want to hide from its population??? An alien invasion and possible alien abduction, that’s what!!!
It seems that lately the extra-terrestrials have been arriving almost in droves lately and how they’ve managed to slip themselves into the prisoner population of Devil’s Island according to extra-terrestrial by-laws when it comes to the planet Earth is beyond comprehension.
Take Ichebod Tunney for starters; now there’s a fine example of a space invader if I ever saw one! That alien hid himself within the marshes for weeks until he slipped into the prisoner population. Once inside, Ichebod Tunney stripped away his Martian-like features and designed himself to look a lot like an older Cary Grant, yet with a brain somewhat like Frankenstein, not to be confused with the late-great Botox Frankenstein, no siree!
Ichebod Tunney's movements can be slow and confusing sometimes, that it sometimes can leave a person to wonder if those movements are designed to fool others or if they are very real. No one knows for sure.
Then there’s Magnificent Macy, who appeared at first as a vision to Broadcast Betty on Devil’s Island. Broadcast Betty saw Magnificent Macy in the three unbroken yolks of the plate of eggs she was about to eat one dreary morning. When she announced to the entire population what she had seen, no sooner did Upper Prison Brass arrive with the G3 Boys and away that plate went!
As the egg yolks were being transported to the Devil’s Island laboratory, Magnificent Macy disappeared out of the egg yolks and transformed herself into an elderly looking Cozy Collette and heaven only knows where Cozy Collette has been lately as no one seems to have seen her for the past several months.
After analyzing the egg yolks for several hours, they realized they had been quite dishonorably duped by Broadcast Betty who only sought attention for her lack of inefficiency to cope normally and decided to punish her to one week of hard labor camp.
Then there’s Silent Sims who shows up like a sudden breeze, when the occasion arises for need and comfort; no one knows too much about Silent Sims, for he does not speak, all more the mystery or perhaps it’s out of respect he remains quiet, waiting for the right moment to unleash the secrets that he has been assigned to promote on Devil’s Island. What could those secrets be???!!!???
No one knows for certain and while those secrets remain under lock and key, but best be sure, that all of Devil’s Island is on high alert. Or are they? No one seems to know.
Lastly, speaking of not knowing, Upper Prison Brass is still trying to decipher the strange coded message left behind in the empty cell of Leering Lonnie’s a few weeks ago. Everything of his was left behind, untouched.
While prison guards weren’t looking, Broadcast Betty slipped away from hard labor camp briefly and took several mental photographs of the message and began sending out telepathic signals to anyone who would listen. The trouble was that she sent it out garbled and it took several hours to decipher it.
Unbeknownst to Upper Prison Brass, we now have a copy of that message. It reads: “…Stendhal crashes one rescue obliterate onto hackers. We at Mission Control are pained to have yet fixed it. You will find throbbing file next to chainsaw, in which to share with Humble Agent. Do not stress; Big Sledgehammer is on the way to make it happen…”
What does it all mean? Does anyone know who Mission Control is? Why does anyone refuse to decipher this code? Who is Humble Agent & Big Sledgehammer? What does throbbing file signify? Where is the chainsaw? Why has no one offered an explanation? Is Devil’s Island even aware that an alien invasion has taken place? Stay tuned!