My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Thursday, April 27

Where In The World Has Johnny Vegas Gone>An Occupational Hazard-Act 28

Disclaimer: Money won is twice as sweet as money earned. The subject of gambling is all encompassing. It combines man's natural play instinct with his desire to know about his fate and his future. The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet. In a bet there is a fool and a thief. The house doesn't beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself. Fiction can be that way sometimes. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental & should not be taken or misconstrued as such. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably believes that a race track is a place where windows clean people.

Johnny Vegas has been busted! Trapped and cornered in his own little game! At long last, enemy number one, according to many prisoners here on Devil’s Island, has been caught red-handed at his own game for rigging numbers for his own personal self-gain and momentum.

As stated in this series previously, Johnny Vegas, the numbers game rigger, lucky streak recently came to an end once it was revealed that Josie Peppermint confessed to The Most Holy Father long ago and far away, Miz Lou & the late Va Va Voom were correct in their observations of Johnny Vegas’ numbers not making sense, no sense at all.

But let me back up to the beginning…it all started early on when Johnny Vegas first arrived on Devil’s Island with a suitcase, a trunk, a bagful of tricks and the clothes on his back. They’d caught him in the middle of a poker game, trying to undercut the dealer by making a backdoor deal. Such is the charm of Johnny Vegas.

When Johnny Vegas first arrived on Devil’s Island, they ran him through a battery of tests and of course, he leaped and jumped through every hoop that he was shown. Then they brought him up to higher and higher levels until he came upon our sect of prisoners and was instructed to follow our every movement and lead when it came to the “numbers game.”

To refresh your memory, here’s a brief rundown as to how the numbers game worked and what followed within the numbers operation in the days that followed afterwards: a pool of prisoners bet on each other to how long one would outlast the other via varying torture methods. The Most Holy Father ran the numbers game for almost two years, almost exactly the time he was awarded the prestigious & truly coveted award, “Prison Boss Of The Year.”

In the meantime, The Most Holy Father instructed Josie Peppermint to work the numbers within her group of prisoners she infiltrated. At some point thereafter, came the sudden & unpredictable execution of Va-Va-Voom, who some still say to this very day was executed in order to keep him quiet about the numbers game.

There was also the removal and relocation of Miz Lou, who hasn’t been seen or heard from in many months. Some suggest she was silenced or bought off, but since no one has seen her since she nearly blew the whistle on Johnny Vegas, nobody knows for sure.

As it turned out, the best numbers runner was none other than Johnny Vegas, the man who everyone fell for, including Josie Peppermint, The Most Holy Father, Upper Prison Brass and many others too numerous to name.

No one, ever questioned what Johnny Vegas did, including The Most Holy Father, who accepted everything Johnny Vegas did at face value.

Johnny Vegas befriended way too many prisoners and stepped on them like ants and squashed them like roaches. He is as slick as slime on a crusty sewer cover and boy did he know it!

But one day, when he least expected it, The Most Holy Father launched a secret investigation that linked Johnny Vegas to wrongdoing; there was in fact a giant paper trail that followed him everywhere he traveled; and it didn’t stop, it just kept growing and growing, until the evidence weighed strongly against him.

Rather than show egg on their faces and admit guilt, both The Most Holy Father & Johnny Vegas agreed to let the incident slide without question. The Most Holy Father decided to ship Johnny Vegas to a better place within the prison system, a place where he would be put to good use.

Where that place is, however remains a mystery, as The Most Holy Father will not reveal where he has been sent and having said that, the case of Johnny Vegas remains open. Perhaps no one will ever know what happened to him and perhaps some will, if only they ask the right questions. After all, this is Devil’s Island and nobody knows much of anything for certain!