My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Wednesday, February 1

God Bless America My Ass!>Harsh Words On President Bush From The MishegasMaster

Unfortunately last night, I only caught the last 20 minutes of President Bush’s State of The Union address, but I’m sure I can read between the lines of his annual diatribe he recites to the nation of North Americans like me.

Even before President Bush made his speech my mind was made up, sadly, but true of course. President Bush has had four long years to prove himself and in those first four years, he’s made himself look like a bigger buffoon than he’s really made himself out to be.

In his fifth year of his presidency, he looks more like pieces of broken glass scattered in the streets than anything else that seems to be put back together by his own infantry, which at the present moment is putting their life on the line, by serving a endless war with no known goal in sight, other than maybe to waste a few billion dollars more over the course of the next three years.

Even his own Republican party is getting tired of him and yet he persists to behave like a clown in the public eye! What he gives out to the public is rhetoric and American citizens are tired of the bullshit!

The trouble with his speech last night was that he read it like the way most news anchors read the news over a teletype machine, with a monotone-pitched voice, drone-eyed look and with little confidence.

Oh course those U.S Congressmen/women and U.S Senators are going to cheer him on, that’s what they are paid to do for the most part! My most troubled thoughts lie within his own speech declaration of how this country is “addicted to oil,” when almost everyone else knows that in fact, it’s Bush and his family who are addicted to oil!

Hell! It was this addiction to oil that started this goalless terrorist war to begin with; he had to protect his precious investments, so why not just start a purposeless war to cover up his true motivation?

And speaking of motivation, did you see how he claimed that our economy is “roaring”? What fucking planet is he on, Uranus? Does he call a slashing of over 30,000 jobs from Ford Motor Co in Detroit, Michigan and the slicing of 8,000 jobs from Kraft Foods in Glenview, Illinois signs of a roaring economy? I think not!

I think he’s blind to the situation at hand and if companies continue to cut jobs like the way barbers cut hair from Tuesday through Saturday, then we’re going to see a lot more bloodletting on the streets of America, just you wait and see!

You think America is so terrible now, just you wait, dear friends, just you wait!

Not only can our wonderful dictator president not conduct a press conference without stumbling or stammering like a blubbering idiot, but he can’t even answer straight questions from reporters or hold his own in a debate!

Yep, this is the president that the U.S. Supreme Court elected and look what he’s done; made a beautiful country like America go straight down the crapper.

God bless America my ass!