My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Thursday, February 9

The Innocence Mission: Still Fighting The Good Fight 42 Years After The Fact

I was barely two and a fourth years of age when the invasion first occurred so long ago. My older brother Louie was three and a half years. My sister Naomi had just turned six a few months previous, while Benjy was on the way and Joey didn’t arrive until later.

On the other side of the world, the invasion had been in the planning stages since 1956, when two field operatives first met at a churchyard fair. After deep philosophical discussions and an offer with no monetary benefits attached, other than lots of booze and girls galore that they could score with, the two field operatives joined forces.

They continued to build their resources and added another operative several months later and became a trio. The trio then planned and executed a variety of strategic moves even though they were missing one key element; timing.

Timing is everything in the universe and nothing like timing will mess things up if the plan comes back in an untimely fashion, yet at that point everything else seemed to be in house order.

But then, without warning, the war began!

The smaller battles were easier to win at first. Then came the harder stuff; the carpet-bombers, the mid-range missiles, the land mines hidden along the road and throughout the fields and worst of all, the air raids in the night or the surprise attacks in the pre-dawn hours.

There were upsetting defeats along the way that was for certain. They also at times, had to pull back their troops. Sure, there were criticisms along the way and that’s when the operatives used colonels, captains, generals to help them strategically find their way to beat back time and defeat the ensuing enemy.

A few years later, one more operative joined up with the trio, who then became a foursome that won battles more steadily; more on an even-keeled pace. And it only got better until, one day a friendly force came into the picture. And of course, good friends always talk and soon their talks became philosophical, so much so that one of the men from the friendly force was asked to join them on their mission.

What to do about the other operative? They gave him the boot and the rest as they say is history.

42 years later, the mission is on-going, two less operatives in the world, but their spirits reign free over all of mankind. And that’s a beautiful thing! God bless you John, Paul, George & Ringo; we couldn’t have made it without you!