My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Saturday, March 25

The Botox Frankenstein Poetry Series>Sprawl

Well, here we are again, dear readers, it's Saturday night and I ain't got no money, but yes, I have plenty of poem! Two days in a row! Can you dig it! And please remember my dear, dear readers; always-always-always enjoy!


The dope returns
Halftown boy hobos East
Cold wind whistles through his hair
Pack wet with sweat
From sleeping
Boobham for dinner, the night before
Could still suck the sweetness from her jeweled skin
Pinching the sop
Onto the open road
Thumbing on inward to Buffalo
The days neck longer,
His dreams stretch
Outward to the rainbow sky
8 a.m.