My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Wednesday, March 29

Let The Folly Of Death Commence! An Occupational Hazard-Act 23

Disclaimer: God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled. I am not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. Fiction can be that way sometimes. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental & should not be taken or misconstrued as such. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably believes that if man were immortal he could be perfectly sure of seeing the day when everything in which he had trusted should betray his trust, and, in short, of coming eventually to hopeless misery. He would break down, at last, as every good fortune, as every dynasty, as every civilization does. In place of this we have death.

Effective immediately: I have been placed in solitary confinement here on Devil’s Island. For good measure, I have a noose that has been arranged around my neck so properly and pulled tighter at regular intervals by The Most Holy Father.

There are handcuffs chained to my hands, which are chained to the bars of my prison cell, plus there are chains placed around my ankles, bugging & tracking devices that I keep finding throughout my space. They have even placed computer chips within my food! Let me tell you one thing, boys and girls; I don’t like this one bit, not one bit!

In essence, I am being watched closely by Upper Prison Brass and The Most Holy Father. Rumor around Devil’s Island is that The Fraternal Goon Twins have returned in full force, while others remark that it’s the ghost of Old Black Devil has implanted itself inside the body and soul of the next heiress to the throne of great evil-doers, I am referring to none other than Suzi Scarecrow.

Suzi Scarecrow is the perfect trap, what with her svelte appearance and quiet, yet resourceful attributions; she makes great attempts to scare the wits out of anyone she feels she can intimidate with her eyes and her body; such is the life of a scarecrow.

I’ve always believed that there’s been a price on my head for the longest time; silently and quietly there’s been a major movement afoot triply coordinated by The Most Holy Father, Josie Peppermint & now Suzi Scarecrow to have me executed for my crimes of heartfelt passion in and around Devil’s Island.

I have nothing to hide. I’ve always been a good, decent and hard-working model prisoner, yet at the same time a great representative for many prisoners here on Devil’s Island who otherwise are afraid to speak their true feelings aloud.

Suzi Scarecrow is nothing more than a diversion to distract others from what is really going on behind the scenes at Devil’s Island. Upper Prison Brass believes they are so smart by trying to nickel and dime everything and everyone with decoys like Suzi Scarecrow, The Ramblin’, Gamblin’ G3 Boys and The Most Holy Father.

It’s all a ploy, a good game of control which is processed and tinkered with almost daily, for in reality mind control is the first step toward execution. Devil’s Island is out of control in terms of what really needs to get done, because in reality, they do not know and will continue to spin out of control; that is their destination, but not mine nor the rest of the prisoner population.

In fact as of now, the party is over; I’m shutting it down for good. The mind games that they puppeteer for their own benefit are just little games to me, ‘tis all.

If they want me to die, then I will die, but I am proud to die and I will be so much happier when I do die, for I will be welcomed by so many other brave souls that went out before me, fighting the good fight for honesty and unmanipulative mannerisms.

Devil’s Island will sink itself into a black hole and not recover. Parties nor honeymoons don’t last forever, when there are no more bridges to cross, when those higher authority figures destroy them in the short run, just because their appetite for destruction is a little too close for comfort.

Let the folly of death commence!