My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Thursday, March 30

The Changing Of The Guard>An Occupational Hazard-Act 24

Disclaimer: He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer. Fiction can be that way sometimes. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental & should not be taken or misconstrued as such. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably believes that change is inevitable except from a vending machine that changes nothing.

“This is the Titanic man; you’d better find yourself a life raft…” Knee-Jerk Johnson, Devil’s Island prisoner

Devil’s Island is being dismantled, slowly but surely; the signs are becoming clearer as the days go by and other prisoners are beginning to acknowledge it too. The disappearance of all-too-familiar faces is creeping up more and more, while the whittling away of basic human & prisoner rights has become more visible on the surface.

What prisoners on Devil’s Island used to expect from Upper Prison Brass have been cut out of the prison system completely.

Could it be that it had something to do with the recent visit by the International Red Cross that found unsafe housing conditions for prisoners and called in Amnesty International to launch a full & thorough investigation as to how it got to be so bad here on Devil’s Island?

It’s to the point where prisoners are quite concerned for their lives, well-being & general safety. No, I doubt sincerely that Devil’s Island is going to collapse overnight, but I will guarantee this; the negatives are already weighing out the positives and with more pessimism than optimism, there is a graver chance that Devil’s Island will disappear completely over time and space.

Yet, Upper Prison Brass believes that they are at the top of their game; they believe that nothing can go wrong because all of their systems have been safe-guarded and maintained well. Upper Prison Brass believes that everything is safe, sound and secure.

The opposite is true. Their old systems have unraveled enough and are bursting at the sides, with water streaming in and the prisoners have noticed this, and although it seems to be well-hidden by Upper Prison Brass, a little subliminal reinforcement message is being repeated by the likes of Broadcast Betty, The Most Holy Father & The G3 Boys who keep saying that “everything is okay” and of course it is not.

When it gets to the point of no return, the prisoners will no doubt react to the sudden changes with demands, silent boycotts and refusal to listen to what laws dictate, until prison conditions change for the better.

Here on Devil’s Island, change scares Upper Prison Brass and everyone else who subscribes to the pipeline philosophies they are plugged into. Change can even damage and destroy a well guarded prison system and make revolutionaries overnight.

The ship is indeed going down fast.