My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Wednesday, January 25

Flibbing The Flab & Chewing The Fat: An Occupational Hazard>Act 21

Disclaimer: Imprisoned inside every fat cat is a skinny Minnie tearing to get out. Yet while thin people believe they are beautiful, fatties are fantastic. Fiction can be that way sometimes. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental & should not be taken or misconstrued as such. Anyone who thinks otherwise, probably believes that the only way to look thin is to hang out with fat people.

There seems to be a major health crisis in our country that is spreading across to well, virtually everywhere, including Devil’s Island. The battle of the bulge is nothing new, but inside the unfriendly walls of Devil’s Island the problem is a touch more noticeable than other prison systems.

It’s also kind of strange that most of the plump prisoners are housed together, with the exception of a few who lucked out and have their own padded cells in other parts of Devil’s Island.

It’s noticeable enough, that when one particular person walks by, the entire floor shakes or vibrates. Besides the most obvious prisoners that are flibbing the flab, there are a host of others, including Matterhorn Melissa, Priestess Paulette, Floodpants Fred, Circus-Tent Sarah, Tubbs McGherkin and Groovy Ruby.

No one seems to know what to do about the burgeoning problem. Facing reality, no one realizes how serious being chubby affects their health.

Some blame it on the food that is served to inmates. How healthy is it to be serving snacks at the crack of dawn and after midnight? How is it that snacks and junk food seem to be the only items prisoners are served? Can’t they find something better to feed the prisoners? Why is it that only the privileged prisoners are allowed to eat good and nutritional food, while the rest of them suffer?

Is Upper Prison Brass so coldly cruel and thoughtless that they think with their wallets instead of their hearts and minds? Some also blame it on that many of the prisoners never get enough exercise in the Devil’s Island prison yard.

If you took a poll among Devil's Island prisoners many would say they never get enough exercise, because primarily they are stationed within their cells nearly 24 hours a day, due to unwritten martial law, as prescribed previously since the day of the Great Prison Blackout and Riot.

The Most Holy Father is one of those individuals that appears to be extremely unkind to most prisoners, despite the fact that he makes striving efforts to care about some of the other inmates. Some believe this is a two-faced act, while still others believe the actions symbolize a new willingness to overcome some of the bigger obstacles facing Prisoner to Prison Authority relations.

Could it also be that obesity is there lurking in the corner not far behind? Could it be that after all the maltreatment and misguidedness that has been directed on several members of the prison population, that the guilt is finally come back to haunt him?


Sadly Devil's Island is beginning to look a lot like a fat farm and yet, it doesn’t take away the fact that fat is where it is at on Devil’s Island and not a single solitary person is doing anything about it.

What happens one day if say several prisoners are walking across the Devil’s Island wobbly wooden bridge to the prison yard and a few of the plumpers get on and the wobbly wooden bridge collapses?

Devil’s Island inmates would hate to have to find out.