My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Monday, January 16

Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On, Not A Day Off: The Proper Way To Celebrate The Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday

Today is a federal holiday, but after all, it’s not just any holiday, it’s Martin Luther King’s Jr’s holiday and that is a big difference to some folks. Still after all, a federal holiday is a federal holiday, meaning no mail delivered, banks are closed, no trading on Wall Street or anywhere else in the United States, all federal governmental offices are closed and of course, school children have the day off.

What’s wrong with this picture; school children have the day off? That seems kind of ludicrous in the overall scheme of things, when you examine it more closely. Why should school children have a day off of school that will undoubtedly be spent in front of a television set, at the mall or in some Internet chat-room, when they could be in school, learning about the man who gave his life for his philosophies, what he stood for in terms of civil rights and why he is being honored.

What is the point of schools shutting down for a day, when both students and teachers could learn about Martin Luther King Jr. together? Sure it’s more work for a teacher, yet what is a teacher’s purpose in life, but to educate students. Teachers are the backbone of their student’s formal education, period!

The theme this year for the King Holiday is to: “Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On, Not A Day Off.” If King enthusiasts really wanted to celebrate Dr. King’s life, a true Marxist visionary, they would implement nationwide educational programs within the United States educational systems, strike down the day off bit for school children and have a regular school day filled with activities and assemblies geared toward Dr. King.

Speeches, prayer breakfasts and remarks from anyone that was related or knew Dr. King are all well and good intentioned, I’m sure, even that old media crap-hound Jesse Jackson Sr., who seems to behave every way that Dr. King wasn’t and it kind of makes one wonder, why people recognize Jesse Jackson Sr. at all, but I’m straying.

The point of the Dr. King holiday is not to sell white linens at Wal-mart, Sears or J.C. Penny’s, but to honor a man for what he did for what he did within his time for his country.

After all, our children are the future of the United States and everything else should be secondary, including Jesse Jackson, Sr.

So, what do you say? Let's all get off our halves-moons and make this idea a reality for next year and years to come, we only have 364 days left...

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