My journal of life and those lives that surround & influence me, both positively & negatively

Saturday, January 14

Some American Cops Plus The American Mainstream Press Equals Nothing But American Paranoia AKA Random Thoughts From The MishegasMaster

American cops can be awfully stupid sometimes. Take the cops in San Francisco this past week who originally thought a flashlight filled with corroded batteries in a Starbucks coffee shop was a bomb.

They evacuated approximately 100 people from both the store and the living units above the store and arrested a homeless man who said he accidentally dropped the flashlight in the bathroom.

According to the story in the Associated Press, San Francisco police authorities said “initially said the device was powerful enough to seriously injure or kill someone if it had exploded.”

I know we live in a day and age where people are especially paranoid of strange-looking or odd-appearing devices, suspicious activity or anything or anybody that may stand apart from the rest. This is what 911 has done to us as a people, as citizens of these United States.

And the fact of the matter is most citizens are doing exactly what they are told to do, with the exception of course being the free independent thinkers, the liberals (who are secretly disguised as Martian Democrats) and artists of all mediums.

The mainstream American press in the United States isn’t helping matters anymore than usual; in fact most are swallowing what is given to them, the press as a whole doesn’t bother creeping out further and take a stand against this government of ours that is wrecking every value we as citizens of this sovereign nation once held to be true.

Oh sure, there is an occasional stab at President George Bush’s policies, but many reporters who write or cover stories or investigate stories involving our government seem to take a lax attitude. When 911 occurred, the press covered mostly stories of hope, survival and horrific trauma, I can’t say I blame them, after all that kind of sensationalism sells newspapers.

But when Bush invaded Iraq and began his undeclared war against terror, where was the press? Why are the criticisms now coming from the press a few years after the fact? I always thought the press was there to report the news, not make the news and not to serve as lap dogs to the president.

Are selling newspapers far more important than investigating all the illegalities that our government has committed? Is using our dead American troop causalties as a kind of mega-poster children far more plausible than what is really happening and that is protection of oil interests?

Why is that the people and I mean the citizens of the United States, whether it’s an individual like myself writing in a blog or a group of like-minded people staging a protest at a federal building are being ignored? Why even after several polls taken on the matter of an undeclared war that is a losing battle for this country (and many other countries, I’m certain) is the press behaving like a bunch of lame ducks?

I don’t mean all of the press, I mean the mainstream American press; I mean the press that citizens of America relies on to give them their news, day in, day out.

When will this American press stop living in a cave and come out to say it’s time for a change in policy for this undeclared war? Why haven’t any American newspapers with a budget the size of a state legislature, come out and asked for a formal investigation of what’s really happening to the taxpayer’s money and why so much profit is being made in this war? Why does it take the initial concerns of the American people to get the press to “look into the matter?”

Why hasn’t the press suggested that President George Bush be impeached for all of his dirty tricks, including unauthorized spying on his country? What will it take to get them moving, besides better pay?

Sadly, this is not the America that I once loved.

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